- Syntax
atom <subcommand> [arguments] ... [select=<select express>]
- Subcommands and examples:
- trans/translate
#to translate whole system
atom trans vector="-$xce,-$yce,-$zce" select="ALL"
- transTo/tran
#to translate whole system to origin, i.e. reset geometric to origin
atom transto pos="0,0,0" select="ALL"
- rotate
#to rotate whole system 180 degree along Z axis
atom rotate axisO="0,0,0" axisV="0,0,1" angle=180 select="ALL"
- reorient
#to reorient the structure selected by matching the principal axis to
#Z,Y,X respectively
atom reorient select="segn PROA" notrans=true
- resortseq
#to resort residue sequence for “seg SOLV”
atom resortseq istart=1 select="segn SOLV"
- resn/residueName
#to rename residue name to “CYS” for “resn CYX CYM”
atom resn newname=”CYS” select="resn CYX CYM"
- seqn/segmentName
#to rename segment name to “PROA” for “seg A”
atom segn newname=”PROA” select="segn A"
- name/atomName
#to rename atom name to “OH2” for all atom “name OW”
atom name newname=”OH2” select="name OW"
- seq
#to change residue sequence id to newiseq for all atom “name OW”
atom seq newseq=100 select="residue PROA 10"
- type/ffType
#to change atom FF type to new type for all atoms selected
atom type newtype=¡±O¡± select="atom OH2"
- beta/lngFric
#to set Langevin friction coefficient for all atom selected
atom lngfric value=5 select="name H*"
atom lngfric value=10 select="!name H*"
- charge
#to set charge to new value for all atom selected
atom charge value=0 select="resn CLA SOD"
- mass
#to make all Hydrogen to be heavy
atom mass value=12 select="name H*"
- resetCrd
#to make the coordinates uninitiated for all atoms selected
atom resetcrd select="name H*"
buildunknowncoord #rebuild coordinated according to FF
- fix/freeze
#to fix atoms selected
atom fix select="segn PROA"
- trans/translate
- Variables exported
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