Modar internal command:
To define a reaction coordinate for further usage, like in command “steer”, “fourierpath” and "lambdady".
- Syntax
rc <argument> ...
- Examples
#to define a distance type reaction coordinate
reactcoord type=dist \
name="posDMSO" \
verbose=true \
group1="segid proa && seq 26 82 99 59 56 55 46 \
&& ! type N C O HN CA HA* " \
group2="resname DMS"
- Keywords
type=<rc type>
Available types are:
Dist displacement between two groups
Zcom Z directions displacement only
Ycom Y directions displacement only
Xcom X directions displacement only
Angle angle among three groups
Dihe dihedral angle defined by four groups
RMSD RMSD to ref1
dRMSD the difference between RMSD to ref1 and RMSD to ref2
RGY radius of gyration of atoms group selected
To assign a unique name for later quoting
Select=<select expr>
Type “Dist” and “Zdist” need 2 selections
Type “Angle” need 3 selections
Type “Dihe” need 4 selections
Type “RMSD” and “dRMSD” need two selections, the first one for superimpose and the other one for RMSD calculation
Type “RGY” need 1 selection only.
Whether printing the details about the RC defined
- Variables exported
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