Modar MD Energies profile viewer
The energies profile of MD simulation is stored in a binary format file, and Modar provides a GUI utilities “viewene” to view the profile.
./viewene run.ene
- Here are snapshots of Linux version “viewene”:
Main window:
The main window shows all energy terms available in the “ene” file fed, and to view any one of them just need to click the button, for instance, below is the potential energy fluctuation.
And it supports reloading automatically, it's useful for test jobs on local.
Modar also provide a console version energies profile viewer named in “vie”
- Below is a snapshot shown how it works:
[mengen@centos64 villin]$ ~/vie step9_final.ene Total 23 terms found in file step9_final.ene Idx Name 0 MD Time (ps) 1 Bond 2 Angle 3 Urey 4 Dihedral 5 ImprDihe 6 Cmap 7 EleNB14 8 VdwNB14 9 NB 10 EwExcl 11 EwKsum 12 EwSelf 13 Potential 14 Temperature 15 PressureI 16 VirialI 17 Volume 18 Density 19 PistonPE 20 PistonKE 21 SurfT 22 Kinetic Please try command: /home/mengen/vie 0 1 step9_final.ene > term12.txt to extract 1st term "MD Time (ps)" and 2nd term "Bond" to file term12.txt
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