Modar Tutorial
Example 2: Displacement PMF of K+ Cl- pair


# do minimization

# author: mengen


# usage: ./modar step5_do_minimization.inp



#load force field

include ""



#load md system

loadmsf file="step4_all.msf"



#load PBC crystal setup

include ""



tell msf_info



#image groups

imggroup method=resid sorted=true select="resname tip* pot cl* sod"



#nonbond setup

nonbond type=pme nblcutoff=10.0 nbcutoff=8.0 swcutoff=7.0 eps=1.0 \

        beta=0.34 ftx=$fftx fty=$ffty ftz=$fftz bsorder=6




echo -hs "|  running $nstepminiall steps minimization for whole system"


#do minimization for all

domin method=SDFuse nstep=$nstepminiall nprint=10 ftol=1e-5 fuse=0.2 \

      trjfile="mini.trj" frqtrj=10 \

      enefile="mini.ene" frqene=1


domin method=SD nstep=$nstepminiall nprint=10 ftol=1e-5 fuse=0.2 \

      trjfile="mini2.trj" frqtrj=10 \

      enefile="mini2.ene" frqene=1




#save msf and pdb

savemsf file="step5_minimized.msf"

savepdb fmt=pdb file="step5_minimized.pdb"



tell logfilename


echo -hs "|  output files:"

echo -hs "|    step5_minimized.mtf"

echo -hs "|    step5_minimized.pdb"


if(-var slogfn) {

  exec "grep minstep $slogfn | grep -v grep | awk '{print \$4}' > minipot.txt"

  echo -hs "|  please plot potential profile "minipot.txt" to check minimization result"

  echo -hs "|  for example: ./xmgr minipot.txt"



echo -hs "|  it's ready to go next step to heatup system by command:"

echo -hs "|    ./modar -nobak step6_heatup.inp"

echo -hs "| "

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