# heat up MD system through Berendsen thermostat
# author: mengen
# usage: ./modar step6_heat.inp Ttar=300 Tinit=50 nstep=5000
# Ttar is the target temperature
# Tinit is the initial temperature
# tTar default value is 300 k
# nstep default is 1000
if(! -var ttar) {
echo -hs " no target temperature specified"
echo -hs " default value $ttar K will be used"
echo -hsn " or tell it now:"
if($t>10 && $t<100000) ttar=$t
if(! -var tinit) {
echo -hs " no initial temperature specified"
echo -hs " default value $tinit K will be used"
echo -hsn " or tell it now:"
if($t>10 && $t<1000) tinit=$t
if(! -var nstep) {
echo -hs " no nstep for tempering specified"
echo -hs " $nstep steps will be"
echo -hsn " or tell it now:"
if($n>100 && $n<10000) nstep=$n
if(! -var rand) {
echo -hs " generate initial velocity randomly or not"
echo -hs " default is not"
echo -hsn " or say yes here to change it:"
if($asw=="yes" || asw=="y") {
echo -hs " initial velocities will be generated randomly"
echo -hs "| target temperatue: $ttar"
echo -hs "| initial temperature: $tinit"
echo -hs "| nstep: $nstep"
echo -hs "| using Berendsen tempering"
if($rand=="true" && !-var iseed) {
echo -hs "| enable rand state"
echo -hs "| result cannot reproduce"
else {
if(!-var iseed) iseed=314159
echo -hs "| random seed: $iseed"
#load force field
include "loadff.inc"
#load md system with minimized state
loadmsf file="step5_minimized.msf"
#load PBC crystal setup
include "pbc.inc"
tell msf_info
#setup image groups
imggroup method=resid sorted=true select="resname tip* pot cl* sod"
#nonbond setup
nonbond type=pme nblcutoff=12.0 nbcutoff=10.0 swcutoff=8.0 eps=1.0 \
beta=0.34 ftx=$fftx fty=$ffty ftz=$fftz bsorder=6
#shake setup
shake enable=true type=bondH tol=1e-6 scale=1.0 maxite=500 ref=para
#center group
putcenter select="segn PRO* RNA* DNA*"
#setup friction cooefficient for langevin may be used later
atom lngfric value=5.0 select="hydrogen"
atom lngfric value=10.0 select="! hydrogen"
#setup Berendsen thermostating
ensemble nvt tcoup=Berendsen ttcoup=$ttcoup tref=$ttar tinit=$tinit
#build MD core
build mdcore timestep=0.002 nprint=10 \
trjfile="step6_heatup.trj" frqtrj=100 trjfmt=modar \
rstfile="step6_heatup.rst" frqrst=100 \
enefile="step6_heatup.ene" frqene=10 \
randseed=$iseed randtype=old \
runmd nstep=$nstep
savemsf file="step6_heatup.msf"
savemds file="step6_heatup.mds"
savepdb file="step6_heatup.pdb"
echo -hs "| output files:"
echo -hs "| step6_heatup.mds the binary package of MD setup"
echo -hs "| step6_heatup.rst the MD state for restarting run"
echo -hs "| step6_heatup.trj the trajectory"
echo -hs "| step6_heatup.ene the energies profile"
echo -hs "| please use viewene to check "step6_heatup.ene""
echo -hs "| please use movar to view the trajectory"
echo -hs "| "
echo -hs "| it's ready to go next step to do a short NVT equilibration"
echo -hs "| ./modar -nobak step7_equil_nvt.inp nstep=2000"
echo -hs "| "