if(! -var nstep) {
echo -hs " no nstep specified"
echo -hs " $nstep steps will be"
echo -hs " which means only to build MD core"
echo -hsn " or tell it now:"
if($n>0) nstep=$n
loadmds file="step8_equil_npt.mds"
loadrst file="step8_equil_npt.rst"
mdcp nprint=200 \
trjfile="$fn.trj" frqtrj=500 trjfmt=movar \
rstfile="$fn.rst" frqrst=10000 \
enefile="$fn.ene" frqene=100 \
#load last coordinates and velocities
#save mds
savesetup file="$fn.mds"
if($nstep==0) {
echo -hs "| MD core file $fn.mds packed successfully"
echo -hs "| please do sampling run by command:"
echo -hs "| ./modar $fn.mds -nstep=1000000"
echo -hs "| or submit to HPC with MPI paralleling:"
echo -hs "| mpirun -np ... ./modar_mpi $fn.mds -nstep=1000000 -o step9_0.log"
echo -hs "| and further restarting run simply by command:"
echo -hs "| ./modar -restart $fn.mds $fn.rst -nstepmore=1000000 -o step9_1.log"
echo -hs "| running $nstep steps product sampling"
echo -hs "| output files will be:"
echo -hs "| $fn.mds"
echo -hs "| $fn.rst"
echo -hs "| $fn.trj"
echo -hs "| $fn.ene"
echo -hs "| this may take a few hours, don't kill me"
runmd nstep=$nstep |