if(! -var nstep) getvar nstep default=50000 min=1000 \
msg="How may steps to run"
#load force field
include "loadff.inc"
#load MSF built previously
loadmsf file="step7_two_phases.msf"
#setup crystal/pbc box
include "pbc.inc"
#image groups
imggroup method=resid sorted=true select="all"
shake type=bondH tol=1e-6 scale=1.0 maxite=500 ref=para
#nonbond setup
nonbond type=pme nblcutoff=10.0 nbcutoff=8.0 swcutoff=7.0 eps=1.0 \
beta=0.34 ftx=$fftx fty=$ffty ftz=$fftz bsorder=6
#restraint for the boundary
restrain zrange applyto=residue kforce=5 startpos=-24 endpos=24 select="segn ILC"
restrain zblock applyto=residue kforce=5 startpos=-20 endpos=20 select="resn TIP*"
#langevin-piston NPT coupling
tell tmass #print total mass, and put total mass number to $totmass
set pmass = int($totmass/50.0)
ensemble npt pmass=$pmass pgamma=20.0 \
pxx=1.0 pyy=1.0 pzz=1.0 \
tbath=300.0 tref=300.0 tmass=2000
#build MD core
build mdcore timestep=0.002 nprint=250 \
trjfile="step8_equil_npt.trj" frqtrj=250 \
enefile="step8_equil_npt.ene" frqene=10 \
rstfile="step8_equil_npt.rst" frqrst=100000 \
flushene=true \
randseed=314159 randtype=old \
#save MD core
savemds file="step8_equil_npt.mds"
echo -hs "please run MD by command"
echo -hs " ./modar step8_equil_npt.mds nstepmore=50000"
#run MD
runmd nstep=$nstep
restrain clear
savemsf file="step8_equil_npt.msf" |