# build solute in FF description from a PDB file
# author: mengen
# usage: ./modar step1_build_solute.inp pdb=<filename.pdb> [telltoptree=true]
# telltoptree to print topology tree
if(! -var pdb) {
echo -hsn "please tell the PDB file:"
if(!-f $pdb) {
echo -hs "no file $pdb found"
if(! -var telltoptree) telltoptree=false
#load CHARMM force field
include "loadff.inc"
#save a copy of force filed in Modar format for reservation
#savefftop file="modar.mtf"
#saveffprm file="modar.prm"
#read molecular structure file and coordinate
tell nmodel file=$pdb
if($nmodel>1 && !-var imodel) {
getvar imodel default=0 min=0 max=$nmodel \
msg="which model to use?"
if(!-var imodel) imodel=0
loadmsf fmt=pdb file=$pdb model=$imodel
#do PDB residue name to CHARMM FF residue name transform
include "do_pdb_nomination_replacement.inc"
#please put more nomination replacement here
#remove other atoms except the protein, RNA and DNA
#delete atom select="seg HET*"
#check unknown residue type and do replacement one by one if has
tell unknownresiduetype
if($nresun>0) {
echo -hs " there are $nresun unknown residue types"
echo -hs " please replace following resname "
echo -hs " to a type declared by the force field"
echo -hsn " rename $unresun[$iunk] to "
if(!-z $newresn) {
atom resn newname=$newresn select="resn $unresun[$iunk]"
goto tellunkr #try again
tell unknownresiduetype
if($nresun>0) {
echo -hs "** there are still $nresun unknown residue type for the force field"
echo -hs "** they are: $resun"
echo -hs "** please check log file for more detail"
#build MSF according the force field topologies
build top
#put Protonation here, please check command "residue patch"
#make Disulfide bonds here if need
#Phosphorylation here if need
#put more patching or mutation here if need
#patch peptide, dna, rna terminals if has
include "do_protein_dna_rna_terminals_patch.inc"
#sort internal terms, including residues, bonds, angles ...
#tell mol top tree if request
if($telltoptree=="true") include "tell_top_tree.inc"
#save uninited coordinates atoms indexes for further minimization
defcls name="uninit" select="unset" outfile="nocoord.ndx"
#build unknown coordinates automatically according to
# the internal connections and FF parameters
if($nnocoord>0) {
build unkcrd
#check msf
#check whether there are still some unknown coordinates
defcls name="testun" select="unset"
if($nasel>0) {
echo -hs "| ** there are still $nasel atoms with coordinate uninitiated"
echo -hs "| ** please load a better initial structure file"
echo -hs "| built unknown coordinates successfully"
#do minimization for atoms which were with unknown coordinates
if($nnocoord>0) { #skip minimize
nonbond type=cutoff nblcutoff=12.0 nbcutoff=10.0 swcutoff=8.0 eps=4.0
atom fix select="! uninit"
domin method=SDfuse nstep=200 nprint=10 ftol=1e-6
domin method=SD nstep=200 nprint=10 ftol=1e-6
echo -hs "| there were no unknown coordinates, minimization is not needed"
#remove all fixes
atom fix select="none"
#tell solute information
tell msf_info
echo -hs "| "
echo -hs "| Summary of solute:"
echo -hs "| number of segments: $nseg"
echo -hs "| number of residues: $nres"
echo -hs "| number of atoms: $natom"
echo -hs "| number of bonds: $nbond"
echo -hs "| number of angles: $nangl"
echo -hs "| number of dihedrals: $ndihe"
echo -hs "| number of impropers: $nimpr"
echo -hs "| number of cross terms: $ncmap"
echo -hs "| net charge: $netcharge"
echo -hs "| total mass: $totmass"
tell orient select="all"
atom reorient select="all"
#tell density
tell density
#translate to origin
atom translateto pos=(0,0,0) select="all"
#tell and save solute size
tell size select="all"
echo xext=$xext > "solute_size.inc"
echo yext=$yext >> "solute_size.inc"
echo zext=$zext >> "solute_size.inc"
echo xmin=$xmin >> "solute_size.inc"
echo ymin=$ymin >> "solute_size.inc"
echo zmin=$zmin >> "solute_size.inc"
echo xmax=$xmax >> "solute_size.inc"
echo ymax=$ymax >> "solute_size.inc"
echo zmax=$zmax >> "solute_size.inc"
echo -hs "| size in angstrom:"
echo -hs "| X extension: $xext "
echo -hs "| Y extension: $yext "
echo -hs "| Z extension: $zext "
echo -hs "| "
#save molecular structure|topology,coordinates,pdb file respectively
savemsf file="step1_solute.msf"
savepdb file="step1_solute.pdb"
echo -hs "| output files:"
echo -hs "| solute_size.inc brief size information of solute"
echo -hs "| step1_solute.pdb full structure in PDB format file"
echo -hs "| step1_solute.msf the topology file described by the Force Field"
echo -hs "| "
echo -hs "| it's ready to go next step to prepare a water box by command:"
echo -hs "| ./modar -nobak step2_gen_solvent_box.inp boxtype=cubic"
echo -hs "| "