if(!-var msf) getvar msf msg="No MSF file specified"
if(!-var mds) getvar mds msg="No MDS file specified"
if(!-var trj) getvar trj msg="No Trj file specified"
if(!-var pdb) getvar pdb msg="No ref PDB file specified"
#load force field
#include "loadff.inc"
#load md system
loadmsf file="$msf"
#load a reference for RMSD calculation
loadpdb file="$pdb" copy2ref1=true
#load MD core and setup
loadsetup file=$mds
#feed in trj
trjin file="$trj"
#remove files if already exists
if(-f rmsd.txt) exec rm -rf rmsd.txt
if(-f bbrmsd.txt) exec rm -rf bbrmsd.txt
exec rm -rf rmsd_h*.txt
exec rm -rf bbrmsd_h*.txt
#define mainpro
defcls main select="segn PRO* DNA* RNA* && not hydrogen"
defcls backbone select="(segn DNA* RNA* && name C3' C4' C5' P) \
|| (segn PRO* && name C CA N O)"
defcls helix1 select="segn PRO* && seq 43:51"
defcls helix2 select="segn PRO* && seq 54:61"
defcls helix3 select="segn PRO* && seq 62:73"
defcls helix12 select="segn PRO* && seq 43:61"
defcls helix23 select="segn PRO* && seq 54:73"
if($mdtime<0) goto done #double check whether trjreadnextframe successfully or not
#print progress for every 10ps
if($tmod==0) echo -hs "current MD time: $mdtime ps"
#calculate RMSD for all heavy atoms comparing to initial structure
calc rmsd fitgroup="main && helix1" calcgroup="main && helix1"
echo "$mdtime $value" >> rmsd_h1.txt
#calculate RMSD for main chain atoms
calc rmsd fitgroup="backbone && helix1" calcgroup="backbone && helix1"
echo "$mdtime $value" >> bbrmsd_h1.txt
#calculate RMSD for all heavy atoms comparing to initial structure
calc rmsd fitgroup="main && helix2" calcgroup="main && helix2"
echo "$mdtime $value" >> rmsd_h2.txt
#calculate RMSD for main chain atoms
calc rmsd fitgroup="backbone && helix2" calcgroup="backbone && helix2"
echo "$mdtime $value" >> bbrmsd_h2.txt
#calculate RMSD for all heavy atoms comparing to initial structure
calc rmsd fitgroup="main && helix3" calcgroup="main && helix3"
echo "$mdtime $value" >> rmsd_h3.txt
#calculate RMSD for main chain atoms
calc rmsd fitgroup="backbone && helix3" calcgroup="backbone && helix3"
echo "$mdtime $value" >> bbrmsd_h3.txt
#calculate RMSD for all heavy atoms comparing to initial structure
calc rmsd fitgroup="main && helix12" calcgroup="main && helix12"
echo "$mdtime $value" >> rmsd_h12.txt
#calculate RMSD for main chain atoms
calc rmsd fitgroup="backbone && helix12" calcgroup="backbone && helix12"
echo "$mdtime $value" >> bbrmsd_h12.txt
#calculate RMSD for all heavy atoms comparing to initial structure
calc rmsd fitgroup="main && helix23" calcgroup="main && helix23"
echo "$mdtime $value" >> rmsd_h23.txt
#calculate RMSD for main chain atoms
calc rmsd fitgroup="backbone && helix23" calcgroup="backbone && helix23"
echo "$mdtime $value" >> bbrmsd_h23.txt
echo -hs "something went wrong when reading trjactory data"
abort |